Chemex brewing is a method of manual pour-over coffee preparation that has gained popularity among coffee enthusiasts for its simplicity and ability to produce a clean, flavorful cup of coffee. The Chemex brewer is a glass vessel with an hourglass shape and a thick paper filter.
Here are some of the tips we recommend.
Grind Size: medium-coarse. This helps achieve optimal extraction and flavor clarity while avoiding over-extraction which prevents making the coffee bitter.
Water Temperature: between 190°F and 198°F (88°C to 92°C) to extract the coffee's flavors effectively.
Coffee to Water Ratio: 1:15 or 1:16, but this can vary based on personal preference.
Other considerations: coffee freshness, water quality, and pouring technique, can impact the final cup when brewing with a Chemex.
- Start by heating the water.
- Place a Chemex paper filter in the brewer, ensuring that the thicker side is facing the spout.
- Rinse the filter with hot water to remove any paper taste and preheat the brewer then discard the rinse water.
- Measure the coffee beans (20g of beans for 320mL of water) using a coffee scale then give them a short water spray to reduce statice when griding the coffee beans (See RDT Technique)
- Grind your coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency (sea salt size).
- Now is the time to bloom the coffee. Add the ground coffee to the pre-rinsed filter then start a timer and pour just enough hot water (about twice the weight of the coffee grounds) to saturate them evenly. Allow the coffee to bloom for about 30 seconds, during which time you'll see it swell and release gases. This is a scenery that coffee enthusiasts enjoy watching!
- Start pouring the rest of the water in a slow, circular motion, starting from the center, and moving outward to ensure even saturation of the coffee grounds. Avoid pouring directly onto the filter to prevent channeling.
- As you pour, monitor the water level in the Chemex. Maintain a consistent water level by pouring in stages, allowing the water to lower before adding more. This helps maintain a stable brewing temperature and ensures even extraction.
- Continue pouring until you've reached your desired coffee-to-water ratio. The entire brewing process should take around 3 to 4 minutes.
- Once the coffee has finished brewing, carefully remove the filter from the Chemex. Give the coffee a gentle stir to ensure it's well mixed, then pour it into your mug or a carafe. Feel the difference and enjoy the taste of natural coffee!
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